External power supplies for 600 and 1500 controllers
Bulletin Number: 162
Released By: Don Stauffer
Product Family: 600 and 1500 controllers
Date: 5/19/2014
Classification: Clarification
Leprecon LP-600 and LP-1500 controllers require external power adapters. When the products were originally released, we shipped transformer type AC adapters with the consoles. Transformer type adapters have an output that varies with load. A nominal '12 Volt' adapter will produce higher voltage under lower load. Internal rectifier circuits allow the use of AC or DC supplies with these products.
Since that time, Leprecon has been supplying DC power supplies with new consoles, and as replacements for failed or lost AC adapters. The regulated DC type supplies have a consistent output voltage regardless of load.
The power supply specification marked on the consoles is consistent with the older AC adapters, but does not reflect the new supplies that are being used. The newer DC supplies are fully compatible with older consoles.